This Thursday, 4th July, at 7.15pm, Open Door will be hosting an evening with inspirational speaker Bart Gee when he will talk about his life, his faith and his new book “Breaking Limits”.

Bart Gee is a Christian. He was born with a disability called Arthrogryposis which basically means that he has weak muscles and stiff joints. Doctors said he would never walk and they didn’t even know if he would have the strength to sit up. They also said there was no chance of playing the piano and no-one knew if he would even have the strength to press a key down. He started playing piano at 5 years old and have gradually been able to do more and more.

Despite his disability, Bart CAN play the piano and he has completed triathlons, open water swims and many other activities the doctors believed were impossible.

For more information about Bart and his new book visit his website or better still, come and hear Bart tell his story on Thursday 4th July at the Open Door Church, Spalding Road, Deeping St James PE6 8NJ.

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